Thursday, January 26, 2012

the highline

the highline in new york is one of my favorite places in the city. located on the west side spanning 14th street to 33rd street, it is railway once threatened but then revived to be a sweet piece of public space. i love the fact that you can feel like you are in the city and in a great place of greenery. it's a must see in the city and new yorkers have a great appreciation for their green space. the greenery (or brownery since it is winter) is native to the area, i think it is just as beautiful as the flowering spring.

 i imagine there will be more pictures to come but for now i hope you enjoyed these!


  1. Hi, I just stumbled on your blog today for the first time.

    I loved these photos, such a good reminder that we can find beauty anywhere! :)

    Thanks for the inspiration..

    1. hello! thanks for stopping by. i'm hoping to post lost of pics on nyc this year. it's such a great place! and not just skyscrapers either! love the photos of green grass. i do, in fact, want to have a picnic on that green lawn!
      best. a
